Anti-drug policies run into the law of unintended consequences and, more brutally, the laws of supply and demand. 禁毒政策符合意外后果定律,甚至是供求规律。
China's anti-drug law enforcement organs enforce the laws strictly and are waging a fierce battle against all drug-related criminal activities, administering merciless punishment to those involved in such activities. 中国禁毒执法机关严格执法,对一切毒品犯罪活动严厉打击,对一切毒品犯罪分子严惩不贷。
A drug deliberately synthesized to avoid anti-drug laws; mimics the effects of a banned drug; law was revised in 1986 to ban designer drugs. 一种被合成来避免抗药物法律的药物;禁令药物的假的影响;年制定法律来禁止阴谋家的药物。
Positive effect of Anti-drug Law on HIV/ AIDS prevention and treatment 试论禁毒法对艾滋病防治的积极作用
Having disputed over the legislation of anti-drug law, in recent years, the academe of China has three standpoints about the illegality of drug-taking. 国内法学界目前在对吸毒行为如何定性问题上有三种观点相持不下,焦点是吸毒的犯罪化与非犯罪化或者说是吸毒的合法化与非法化的问题。
Using foreign relevant experience of legislations for reference, according to China current situations, I make a bold proposal that China should make a comprehensive anti-drug law, which includes crimes of abusing drug and drug related money laundering at the same time. 借鉴国外相关立法的经验,针对中国目前的实际,提出了中国应制定一部综合性的《禁毒法》。
On the Basic Concepts of the German Anti-Drug Law 论德国禁毒法的基础理念
Reinforce regional anti-drug law enforcement collaboration; 加强区域性禁毒执法合作;
Only in this way can we provide the theoretical support for the enactment and the implement of some related laws and regulations after the enforcement of Anti-Drug Law. 从而,为政府在《禁毒法》施行后相关立法的制定和实施提供理论支撑。